Monday, February 10, 2014

My Love Monday ... Recipe for How to Make a Perfect Dirty Diet Coke

Imagine it. You're drinking a diet coke. Everything should be perfect, correct? Wrong. Something is missing. A bag of peanut butter M&M's perhaps? Maybe. A Chris Pine look-alike sitting next to you? I suppose. But none of those things hit the spot. Then you realize what's missing: COCONUT & LIME. Yum. My friends, I am about to open up your mind to a whole new world of tropical coke bliss. The Dirty Diet Coke. Which is the star of today's My Love Monday. My recipe for the perfect dirty diet coke.

Now, when I posted on my Facebook that I was drinking my first dirty diet coke on Ava's birthday at 2:00pm, some of my friends got a little confused. In fact, it looked a little something like this:

As you can see in the comments, my dear friends thought their good girl Mormon friend, Dani, had finally come to her senses and was enjoying a little mid-afternoon pick me up, ha ha. But, no, I am still holding true to my LDS faith and enjoying a little su'm su'm different that makes my Cokes dirty.  No alcohol here. ;) {want to know why I choose a different kind of "dirty"? you can learn more HERE}

A dirty diet coke is quite simple. quite delicious. and quite addicting. i LOVE it. You can dirty up a Coke or a Dr. Pepper too, which I've tried, and personally only enjoy it with a diet coke. Enjoy your carbonated tropical getaway. I can only hope the Chris Pine part comes true for you, too.

pour 2 tablespoons coconut syrup into a glass

add ice 3/4 full

pour in one 12oz can diet coke

squeeze in 1/2 FRESH lime & add to glass

insert stripey straw


That last step is especially important. ;)

I've read versions adding half & half, but I don't prefer it, so guess what? You don't get it in my recipe! The hub and I usually use a ginormous mason jar, which is probably twice the amount of this recipe, and now just estimate all our additions. Which makes it fun to get a little more coconut or lime each time. Like I said earlier, we are addicted, and you will be, too. It will definitely become your new LOVE. See you in dirty diet coke therapy. {oh and bring those peanut butter M&M's!}


where to get coconut syrup | most grocery stores {in Utah: Orson Gygi in Salt Lake City, Harmon's, Macey's, World Market in Park City}
don't want the guilt while getting dirty? | use sugar free coconut syrup {where to buy? World Market!}
put the lime in the coke you nut and drink it all up | less is more! start with less coconut syrup & lime. remember - you can always add more, but you can't add less.

This DDC is hanging out with my Hand Painted Burlap Coasters, which you can find the tutorial for by clicking HERE!

I would love to hear how you like your DDC. Have you ever tried DDC before? Do you make other drinks dirty? What's your sweet drink addiction? Leave me a comment!


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  1. Loooooove it!! Looks so yummy :) I rarely ever drink pop, but lately I've been craving the sweet carbonation. Thanks for sharing, girl!

  2. Sounds Delicious!!! I will definitely have to try this!!! Thanks for sharing!!!

  3. You are right, that should have been my title, I think I might be getting the wrong thing if I order a dirty diet coke outside of Utah. lol

  4. Yay let me know if you like it! xo

  5. If you like coconut + lime, you will love it! Thanks, Brandy. xo

  6. Daphne Michelle Eble-BeczynskiFebruary 11, 2014 at 4:16 AM

    Ok I have to try this!

  7. yum! I love lime and cherry in sprite too.

  8. Diet Coke and tropical flavors are complete perfection! I have never tried this though. I used to be addicted to the Diet Coke with lime but switched back to regular Diet Coke's. This put me in the mood for it again though but I am going to try your method with the lime + coconut! YuM!

  9. I never thought about adding coconut and lime to a diet coke before, fun idea! Visiting from SITS

  10. Yes you definitely should try it and let me know what you think. :) xo

  11. Oh that sounds delish! I used to put grenadine syrup in my sprite and it was so yummy. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to follow along (left sidebar) Xo

  12. Ha ha I go back and forth through the Cokes and can't ever decide my favorite. But this is currently it! xo

  13. Thanks for visiting, Monique! Feel free to follow along by email or GFC, too (left sidebar). You have to let me know if you try a dirty diet coke and what you think! :) xo

  14. Dana Brillante-PellerFebruary 13, 2014 at 12:20 PM

    I will have to try this!! It sounds delicious!! #SITSBlogging

  15. I'm more of a coke zero girl, but I might try this with that :) #SITSBlogging

  16. April @ 100lbcountdownFebruary 16, 2014 at 12:38 PM

    I love the idea. I'm not much of a soda drinker, so I'll have to play with another base. Sounds delicious. Thanks for sharing with Countdown in Style.

  17. What a great twist to the normal diet drink. Visiting from Wake Up Wednesday Linky Party

  18. Yes try it and let me know! Thanks for stopping by. xo

  19. I've tried it with coke zero! I liked it. I hope you do, too! Feel free to view my left sidebar for more ways to stay connected. :)

  20. I think coconut is a welcome addition to anything! If you try something new, let me know! xo

  21. Hi Heidi! Thanks for stopping by. I'm not a big fan of diet soda, so this is kind of the only way I can drink it. Feel free to connect with me through any other social media (left sidebar). Have a great week! xo

  22. I've seen those soda stream machines and been interested. If you get one, I want to hear about it! xo

  23. Thanks for pinning it, Tammy! Take care. xo

  24. This is such a Southern thing that I was surprised to read you live in Utah. My mother grew up in a small rural town in Louisiana. She talks about how as kids they would pour a bag of salted peanuts in their bottles of Coke (this was in the '50s) and how great it tasted. Pinning this. Visiting from That's Fresh Friday.

  25. Hmmm...peanuts in Coke? Sounds amazing! We have a restaurant here called Five Guys {a burger joint} and they have tons of peanuts in shells you get to eat while you wait. Maybe I will break some open and try them in my Coke next time I am there! Thanks for stopping by, Kimberly. Feel free to check out the left sidebar for more ways to keep in touch! Have a great weekend. :) xo


Thanks for the chat!