Sunday, March 16, 2014

Helping Celebrate a Blogiversary with The Frill of Life

Hello! I don't usually post on Sunday evenings, but I wanted to share with you a fun giveaway that starts at midnight! Yes! More giveaways! Cause who doesn't love being showered with free stuff?!

One of my favorite parts of blogging has been meeting other bloggers and getting to know talented, fun people that love crafting and blogging as much as I do. I am part of a Silhouette Challenge Group on Facebook, which is where I met Heather from The Frill of Life

Heather's 1 year blogiversary is this week! Congrats to Heather!
I am new to blogging still, but it is SO MUCH FUN. I love it, and I know Heather does, too! My blogiversary isn't until August, so I'm super happy for Heather having reached 1 year already! Here is one of my favorite posts from The Frill of Life. Heather used her Silhouette to make these AWESOME Star Wars canvases.

Fun huh?! We love Star Wars at my house, and I'm pretty sure one of our children WILL have a Star Wars room one day. To celebrate her fun 1 year blogiversary, Heather has put together a fun GIVEAWAY and asked me to be part of it. I'm happy to bring this giveaway to YOU - my amazing readers and friends. All details are below! Have fun! And be sure to stop by The Frill of Life to wish Heather a happy blogiversary!


{3 - $10 Starbucks Gift Cards}
{Ad Space - YOUR blog button on 4 blogs for one month!}


{enter using Rafflecopter widget below}
{all entries will be verified}
{giveaway ends Friday, March 22 at midnight}

Tomorrow is a HUGE day at Put A Bird On It. It's St. Patrick's Day, so lots of fun stuff will be happening. See you back here tomorrow morning! "Irish" you would come back! ;)



  1. Love those Star Wars canvases!

  2. Congrats on your blogiversary, Heather! :)

  3. Really i'd love to win both parts of this giveaway. I love coffee, and drink it everyday so treating myself to Starbucks would be nice, but I'm also looking to advertise my blog a little more so the ad spaces would be nice as well. Have a great day :)

  4. Those are so fun, huh! Be sure to follow me (and Heather!), because we are doing a blog swap soon, and it might have a Star Wars theme....! xo

  5. Thanks for stopping by, Shannon!! xo

  6. Thanks for entering! I love Starbucks hazelnut soy steamer. YUM! I will probably still get them even in the summer. :) Good luck to you! xo

  7. Congrats on your blogiversary, Heather! I would like to win the ad space.

    Ad Space

  8. Good luck Amy! I host an ad space giveaway the last Wednesday of every month {you can view where the ad space winner's button goes on my left sidebar}. Good luck and be sure to check back here for my own ad space giveaway! xo

  9. Love it! Wish I could win it. :) Good luck! xo


Thanks for the chat!