Tuesday, January 14, 2014

How To Not Be A "No-Reply" Blogger

I am not much of a techy person. Learning HTML code for blogging has been a big one for me this year. But I do an okay job of finding my way around the basics of coding for blogging. One thing I do love doing is being active on blogs I follow! I am a BIG believer of leaving comments -- not just doing a PIN and RUN. I often leave comments letting bloggers know they've been featured on my blog or their post is part of a round up, too. A couple weeks ago, I started feeling like maybe no one liked me, because I wouldn't get a reply to a comment or message. I don't expect a reply to everything, of course, but there had been times I'd asked a question or made a request and I NEVER got replies! I thought I must smell funny or have garlic breath, because no one seemed to like me. I was super grateful when, last week, a blogger finally came to MY blog to leave a comment letting me know I was a "NO-REPLY BLOGGER"! I had no idea what that meant, but it sounded awful! I was happy, though, to realize that some setting in my profile was preventing me from getting replies or emails -- not that everyone hated me! Which, maybe, is the case, but I'm telling myself it's the first option. :)

I did a little research and found out there is a setting in your blogger profile that makes it so your email isn't shared. Which means, if someone tries to email you or reply to your comment, they can't! This is no good for a blogger! I recommend having your email listed on a Contact part of your blog, so you can always be reached, in case something like this happens to you, but having your email shared in one 'click' is easy and convenient for other bloggers.

SO - are you a no-reply blogger? Do you even know?! I've put together some step by step photos to show you how to check to see if you are a no-reply blogger and how to change it if you are.

**you can click on each photo to make it larger if you need to see it better!**

Log in to Blogger. On the top right, click on your face and select Blogger Profile.

This brings up your Blogger profile. Select Edit Profile.

This takes you to the Edit User Profile page. You will see an option to show my email address. If this box is NOT checked, you are a "no-reply" blogger! Boo!

To fix this, just CHECK the box and SAVE. Congrats! The bloggy world can now communicate with you!

That's it! You are no longer a no-reply blogger and don't have to think people hate you and don't want to talk to you ever. Like me. :)

I hope this tutorial helped you! Leave a comment letting me know your no-reply blogger woes and I will reply so we can test it out.

Have a great day!



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  1. Isn't it great when a fellow blogger takes the time to let you know of a problem? I'm so glad you were able to fix that and now you're able to help others!

    1. Yes I think taking the time to comment or offer help is not done enough in the online world! I'm definitely going to do it more now. Thanks for stopping by! xo

  2. Nice & simple to follow directions Daniela! I try to respond to every single comment but, 75% of the time I can't because of the no-reply issue! Thank you for sharing this at the party this week. I am featuring it on my Facebook page and, have pinned it the You're Gonna Love It Tuesday board on Pinterest.

    1. Thank you, Kathe! I'm so glad it can help other bloggers. Thanks for sharing! xo

  3. I did not know that either! I'm very new at yhis blogging thing too. I am thankful for fellow bloggers who share great info! I'm going to check mine now! Thank you! !!!

    1. I am still new, too, so I love all the help I can get. Thanks for stopping by! xo

  4. Yes, do it. You might be surprised! xo

  5. I feel the same way, Daniela, but I think sometimes people read the comment and then get distracted. I try to respond right away or else I would forget too...

    One thing that bothers me is the notifications. I try to get notified, there's no way of just getting notified for a comment to your reply only (not on the Blogger comment form). So I get the entire thread or I skip it and usually miss out on the response (if there was one).


Thanks for the chat!