Being pregnant is an AMAZING experience. One I never want to forget. Thankfully, my sister has been willing to take fun mini photo sessions to document my pregnancy. One of my faves was at 18 weeks. I made a Maternity Countdown Shirt to show which week of pregnancy I was at. This was a FUN project to make, but I was nervous. This was my first time making my own fabric paint. Turns out, it's a lot cheaper than buying premade fabric paint. And, it's really easy!!
***Not up for making your own shirt? You can visit my online shop and BUY a countdown maternity shirt! Click the link below:
What You'll Need:
- Tintable Fabric Medium {I love Martha Stewart products}
- Acrylic Paint in color(s) of your choice
- Empty bottle {Perfect for mixing and saving fabric paint}
- Foam brush x2
- Vinyl stencil for numbers
- Shirt {get one that fits now but has some stretch to fit the full 40 weeks}
First, you'll want to mix your fabric paint. It's 1 part fabric medium to 2 parts paint. This is where the mini bottle comes in handy. I found mine near the foam brushes at Michaels. I filled the empty bottle 1/3 full with fabric medium, then filled it the rest of the way with craft paint. You can do more or less, depending on how much you want. Just add the fabric medium, then draw a line on the bottle where you stopped, and add twice the paint. Easy, right? Shake it up to mix them together. That's it! I label mine Fabric Paint, so I know for the future. I've used this gray fabric paint for other projects, too, which is why I love mixing mine in a bottle, to save for future use! You'll need to do this step twice -- once for your numbers color and again for the paint color you want to "cross off" the numbers.

Now, place your stencil on your shirt. I used my Silhouette SD to cut out the stencil using Silhouette premium vinyl. It is SO easy, and I'm guaranteed straight lines...I wouldn't trust myself otherwise. I had to cut 2 stencils, 1-20 on one and 21-40 on the other. Remember to leave enough empty space around the cut out on the stencil to allow you to paint and not get paint on the shirt! I recommend putting something inside your shirt, to protect the paint from leaking onto the back of the shirt. I've used an old piece of cardboard or a couple layers of newspaper ads works great, too.

Once you have the stencil in place, simply paint over the stencil, using a foam brush, with your fabric paint. I painted over the whole thing once, then went back and put a second coat {lighter} just to make sure it was all covered. This needs to dry for a while. I usually do mine in the evening and let it dry overnight. Tip: After several minutes of drying time, put your hand under the stencil and 'lift' up a little to make sure the paint isn't adhering to the cardboard/ads you put underneath.

Once it is dry, peel away the stencil, and CONGRATS! You've made a shirt covered in numbers! Now, to give it meaning, use the 2nd color of fabric paint to CROSS OFF the weeks. You could cut out more stencils, if you want a perfect line. I just grabbed a foam brush and applied the paint without a stencil. Let this dry again. This part doesn't take as long to dry. Once it's dry, you are FINISHED! Hold on to that fabric paint, since you'll need to cross off more weeks as your pregnancy goes on. Super fun way to document your growing belly, huh?!
Got a maternity countdown shirt or a fabric paint project you love? Share the link in the comments. I'd love to see it!!
***Not up for making your own shirt? You can visit my online shop and BUY a countdown maternity shirt! Click the link below:
Here are updated pictures of this fantastic maternity shirt! It is SO easy to dab a little more fabric paint to cross off one more week in the countdown. Love it!!
***Not up for making your own shirt? You can visit my online shop and BUY a countdown maternity shirt! Click the link below:
Be sure to click "Join this Site" on the right side toolbar to stay up to date on all things Put A Bird On It. That way, you'll be notified the next time I give away a maternity countdown shirt! Which I've been known to do. :)
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