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Friday, January 10, 2014

Valentines Day {Harper Style} ... Guest Post by Amanda from Happily Ever After

Hey guys! I'm Amanda from Happily Ever After and I'm so excited to be guest posting today on Put a Bird on It. This is my first guest post, and I couldn't think of a better blog to start with! :)

I absolutely love dressing my 1 year old, Harper and when I found out I was having a girl, I immediately headed to the mall to start shopping for cute little outfits! One of my favorite things to do, is find an outfit for each holiday. The next holiday coming up is Valentines Day, so I thought I would share some of my favorite festive outfits they have over at Old Navy.

All of these adorable outfits can be found over in the Old Navy toddlers girl section.  

They have so many choices, and I have no idea how I'm going to decide on just one outfit! Maybe she will have several festive outfits, like she did for Christmas. ;)

I hope this post gave you a little inspiration to start shopping for your little! Over on my blog, I talk all about marriage, being a military spouse, my favorite things, and lots of {Harper Style} posts! Come visit me and say hi!


Thanks Amanda, for sharing with us those adorable Valentine's Day outfits! I'm way inspired now to get some cute, new things for Ava for Valentine's Day. Ava and Harper are only a week apart, so I'm always inspired by Amanda's cute ideas.

Be sure to stop by Amanda's blog and check out her other adorable posts!

Here are some of my favorites:

Have a great weekend, everyone!

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