I originally posted this baby recipe on Today's the Best Day. I'm happy to share it with you today! A few months ago, Ava got sick for the very first time! She had just turned 1. Seriously - she had never been sick before. I thank breastfeeding 'til she was 1 for that (really - I don't know - but as soon as I stopped, she got sick!). The thing about being a baby is that you can't have any medicine. But poor Avabean would toss and turn all night - whimpering and coughing and being unable to suck her binky due to a stuffed up nose. I felt SO BAD as her momma not being able to do anything.
I'd heard the rumors of putting vapor rub on baby's feet, covered by socks, and that it helps with their congestion. I'd never tried it, but wanted to try something to help my little munchkin. I've been really careful about what I give Ava as a little tot - I made all her own organic baby food when she was 6 months, she drinks a local whole milk now - yeah, I'm kind of "that" mom. But don't worry, we kick it with Chick-fil-A and diet coke as much as the other guy. :) To help Ava with her congestion, I made a homemade baby vapor rub (NO petroleum or any of the questionable oils in vapor rub). A little on her feet + socks + bedtime = a happy baby. I didn't use it all day or every day, since she was only 1, but it definitely helped the days I used it.
Please do your own research when deciding what essential oils to use for your baby! Some are safe - some are not. Even specific TYPES of the same essential oil are not ok. For example, only the Smithii variety of eucalyptus oil is OK for babies. Use what YOU are comfortable with!
The following advice was given in the Mommypotamus article where I got my recipe:
"Please note that lavender and chamomile are generally considered safe for babies under two months, eucalyptus (only the smithii variety) can be introduced at two months and tea tree can be introduced after 6 months. Essential oils are very potent so use sparingly!*
I do love using essential oils now. I'm really careful and not hard core, but Ava and I love lavender oil baths and adding a drop of lemon oil to my water bottle is a must. Like I said, do your research, but essential oils can be great.
*I purchased everything from my local organic store, Whole Foods Market, somewhere I trust*
*I used this because my baby was over 1. I don't know if I would use it younger than that, and definitely not under 6 months! I'm not experienced enough with essential oils to be comfortable doing that.*
Homemade Baby Vapor Rub
makes about 3/4 cup
4 teaspoons grated beeswax
3 tablespoons cocoa, shea or mango butter
7 tablespoons coconut oil
30 drops high quality essential oils
(10 drops eucalyptus smithii, 10 drops tea tree, 5 drops lavender, 5 drops chamomile*)
Using a double boiler {water in pot, boiling, with bowl placed on top - don't let water touch the bottom of the bowl}, melt the grated beeswax.
Add cocoa butter and melt. Remove from heat. Whisk in coconut oil and essential oils. Pour into container {I used a small jar I purchased from the store - could use a small mason jar - just something with a tight lid}. Store at room temperature for up to 1 year.
You can visit the Mommypotamus page for a list of other essential oils for congestion. I loved the ones I used here!
Remember: One huge caution! When purchasing eucalyptus oil, only the SMITHII kind can be used on kids this young. Eucalpytus globulus shouldn't be used! Double check your oil bottle! I know DoTerra's eucalyptus oil is ok. Remember - do your research and double check!
I hope this homemade baby vapor rub can help your little ones when there is nothing else you can give them. It's so hard as a mom to see your baby sick or sad or anything less than perfectly happy! But it will happen and, thankfully, there's always something you can do. Even if it's just a hug, a kiss and extra snuggle time. Which is the only bonus of a sick babe. :)
Do you have a fave use for essential oils? I'd love to hear!
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